Personal: August Update of My 2022 Goals

So it seems that White Cabana has evolved into a goal update blog! Here we go with my August update:

  1. Write with my fountain pen. Yes! I still love this pen. I haven’t used it for my every day note-taking, but I do use it regularly. I love it especially for card writing!
  2. Complete house projects. We didn’t have much on our to do list in August. We maintained the garden. That’s about all.
  3. Stay active. I’ve just been walking here and there.
  4. Host people. People drop by all the time, but we didn’t host any specific events or large gatherings in August.
  5. Travel. It seems that August has just come and gone so quickly. We barely made it to the cottage. We’re postponing/cancelling our fall trip, which is a bit of a bummer, but it’s for a good reason.
  6. Read more. Sort of. On audio, I listened to Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang. It was great. I also listened to I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, and it was wonderful. Angelou narrated it, and her voice is so powerful.
  7. Tame garbage. Reduce waste. Heck no. Who has a solution? I very much dislike our indoor and outdoor garbage sorting processes.
  8. Floss regularly. Yes. On it!
  9. Stop procrastinating. Yes. Like Juy, there has been no time to procrastinate this month. I have too much on the go!
  10. Have fun! Yes. Work life and family life have both been fun…even among the stress of busy days getting ready for fall activities and work!

Previous updates: January, February, March, May, June, July.

Personal: March Update of My 2022 Goals

It’s the end of the month, which means I get to share an update of my 2022 goals.

  1. Write with my fountain pen. Yes. I still use it daily. It’s so pretty.
  2. Complete house projects. Sort of. Our powder room refresh is nearly complete; I’m waiting for the shipment of a delayed towel bar/toilet roll holder. Our kitchen refresh is also on hold while we wait for a delayed sink. Delays have been common since the early days of the pandemic, so I’m not surprised. We have been scheming a refresh of another bathroom, too, so that might happen in April.
  3. Practice yoga. No. I wonder if I should take this off the list. I think I’ll change this to “stay active.”
  4. Host people. Yes. We’ve continued with our nearly monthly music night, which brings together a great group of people and fun music. We also hosted dinner with new friends (met via Facebook marketplace if you can believe it…story for another day).
  5. Travel. No travel in March, but something is in the works for April. Oui, oui!
  6. Read more. Yes. I’m flying through audio books on account of my commute, which has been great. I listened to The Dutch House by Ann Patchett (read by Tom Hanks), The Vintage Caper, by Peter Mayle, and The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalila Harris. All three were good, but I really enjoyed my time with Tom Hanks! I’ve also been reading a lot for work.
  7. Tame garbage. Reduce waste. Sort of. I’m making slight improvements, I think. It’s hard!
  8. Floss regularly. Yes. Daily. How have I never added daily flossing into my routine before? It just makes sense. Let’s see what my dentist has to say!
  9. Walk regularly. Yes. I feel like I’m doing okay with my walking. There’s room for improvement, and I anticipate better weather will motivate me to get outside more.
  10. Stop procrastinating. Sort of. Some days I just need a break from my computer.
  11. Have fun! Yes! March was a good month overall. And I hope the positive flavour continues into April, too!

Previous updates: January, February

Personal: February Update of My 2022 Goals

We’re at the end of the month which means I’d like to share an update of my 2022 goals.

  1. Write with my fountain pen. Yes. I use my fountain pen daily for both mundane notes and important correspondence.
  2. Complete house projects. Yes. Our second TV area is coming together, and we made progress on our main floor powder room.
  3. Practice yoga. No. I did well in January, and then I took a complete break. No bueno.
  4. Host people. Yes. We continue to host quite regularly. It’s been fun to spend time with friends for short and long visits.
  5. Travel. No. Not this month.
  6. Read more. Sort of. I’m just slow-going these days. I read Heating & Cooling: 52 Micro Memoirs by Beth Ann Fennelly, and I laughed out loud.
  7. Tame garbage. Reduce waste. Sort of. I’m definitely more aware of our waste production, and I’m doing better at minimizing food waste, too.
  8. Floss regularly. Yes. Daily. I still don’t know why I waited so long to get into a daily flossing habit.
  9. Walk regularly. Sort of. I’m so tired of winter that these days the weather has to be just right for me to go for a walk.
  10. Stop procrastinating. Sort of. Going into the office has helped me to get my marking done in a reasonable time frame.
  11. Have fun! Yes! I’ve had a really happy month, and there have been many days filled with laughter. Hooray!

Previous updates: January

Personal: January Update of My 2022 Goals

We’re wrapping up the first month of 2022, so this is the first check-in of my 2022 goals.

  1. Write with my fountain pen. Yes! Using my fountain pen daily.
  2. Complete house projects. Yes. I made good progress on my office this month. We also started working on a second TV area thanks to friends who gave us a TV they no longer needed.
  3. Practice yoga. Yes! I completed 24 days of yoga this month. I followed Yoga with Adriene‘s MOVE series this month, which I enjoyed.
  4. Host people. Yes! We’ve hosted several impromptu dinners this month, and it’s been really great to spend time with people in person on a small scale.
  5. Travel. Yes! We traveled outside of Ontario this month. Our short getaway gave me so much energy! And it was a very safe – not scary – trip.
  6. Read more. Sort of. I’ve started a few things, but I haven’t finished anything yet (besides magazines).
  7. Tame garbage. Reduce waste. No. Not really. I am conscious of our waste production, but I haven’t taken any concrete steps to reduce waste.
  8. Floss regularly. Yes. Daily. Why haven’t I done daily flossing ever before? I can’t wait to go to the dentist next and when they ask, do you floss regularly? I can finally say, yes! (Fun fact: Only 43% of Canadians age 12 and older reported that they floss daily.)
  9. Walk regularly. Yes. While we were on our trip, we walked 20K km every day. It was amazing. Back home, I’m walking generally everyday, too.
  10. Stop procrastinating. Sort of. Work was quite busy this month, but I packed it all in, and I reduced opportunities for procrastination.
  11. Have fun! Yes! The most fun days were the ones when I imagined we’re not still living a pandemic, lockdown life.

Personal: November Update of My 2021 Goals

Oh my goodness…one month to complete all my goals. One month to finish crocheting a blanket. I’m not quite sure I’ll get there! Here’s an update of my 2021 goals.

  1. Eat more vegetables. Yes. I have been eating more salads each week, and a few veggie soups, too.
  2. Travel. Does Langdon Hall in Cambridge count? I think so!
  3. Save money. Yes. My new spreadsheet is working well and savings continue (even though it’s challenging with Christmas expenses)!
  4. Pass on magazines/books/clothes/puzzles. Yes. This goal has been an easy one to maintain in 2021.
  5. Crochet a blanket. Nope.
  6. Reduce social media consumption. Yes. I think I have. I feel like I’ve reduced my mindless scrolling.
  7. Play games. Saturday crosswords continued this month, but I haven’t yet learned how to play Backgammon.
  8. Edit my magazine subscriptions. I accomplished this goal a while ago. I’m crossing it off the list!
  9. Read more. Yes. Yes. This month I’ve been reading Amor Towles’ The Lincoln Highway and Joshua Eyler’s How Humans Learn.
  10. Blog. Yes…I’ve been blogging three days a week! Can I cross this off the list now?
  11. Bike ride regularly. I’m deleting this from my goal list because it’s too cold for my liking to ride now.
  12. Have fun! November was quite fun. We had a mini getaway at Langdon Hall, we spent an overnight at my beau’s family cottage, and we decorated for Christmas!

Previous updates: January, February, March, April, May & June, September, October.