A Question For You

I’m curious – what are your blog reading routines? How do you read your faves? When do you read them?

I read my blogs every morning during breakfast. And I love this routine.

In general, I read blogs by clicking on my blogroll rather than via email or blog reader (old fashioned way, I guess, but it works for me).

I know some bloggers have reduced the weekly frequency of posting, but I’m still of the belief that daily blogging is the way to go. Blogging takes a lot of time, effort, thought, and creativity, yes, so I can definitely see why bloggers scale back and publish just a few times a week, but as a reader, I much prefer seeing new content every day (even if it’s not an in-depth thought-provoking essay about life) than clicking on a blog and seeing a weeks-old post. I’ve actually stopped clicking on many of my once-favourite blogs because I don’t want to be disappointed by landing on an old post.

Maybe if I went the blog reader route, then I would not have to pay so much attention to individual blogger’s posting schedules or get click happy only to be disappointed with weeks-old content.

But I don’t. I click on posts. And I like to see something new each day. Am I asking too much? Are my expectations for the 2017 blogging world too high?

What do you think?

via Homey Oh My

I’m now looking to expand my blogroll and learn about new-to-me bloggers. This is where you come in.

What are your daily/weekly must-read blogs?

What blogs do you love? Why should I love them, too?

I would be so thrilled if you shared your blog recommendations in the comments, so we can all benefit!





Sponsor Love

It has been another fun year for me and White Cabana. Living in a world of white continues to put a smile on my face, and I hope the same is true for you! I know many of you aren’t as white-obsessed as me, but I do hope you continue to be inspired and curious with each visit to this blog.

I am very fortunate to have crossed paths – both online and offline – with impressive, committed, and interesting people and brands in the world of design. I am also grateful that the brands listed below have found a connection with White Cabana. Every sponsored and giveaway post has helped me to keep things moving in an upwards direction around here, and I sure do hope you have enjoyed learning about new things over the last 12 months.


Caviar20 (posts)


Citizen Atelier (post)


Cuckoo Palace (post)


Etsy (posts)

Flying A NYC

Flying A NYC (post)


KitchenAid (posts)


Korhani Home (post)


Minted (post)


Panasonic (post)


Rona (post)


Simple Skincare


Sophia Costas (post)


The Bathory (post)

Thanks, everyone! It has certainly been a fun year!

The Friday Five: #HappiMess with Delta Faucet Canada

My life this fall has been slightly chaotic. Sometimes I do wonder why I decide to take on so much work and extracurricular and blogging activities. Why, oh why, do I do this to myself? Then I realize that I have so much fun doing what it is that I do that I have no reason to complain about my sometimes-overly-packed days. A couple of weeks ago, for example, I headed to Toronto to join the very colourful Tiffany Pratt and about 20 other bloggers and influencers to create a #HappiMess sponsored by Delta Faucet Canada. Here’s my recap in five points…

1. Delta Faucet Canada welcomed us into a very white event space at Andrew Richard Designs. The long white table was all set with artsy materials.



2. Tiffany encouraged us to create and paint and sparkle up a unique clutch. I was totally frozen when I saw the palette of colourful paints. Luckily, the Tiffany and the PR crew had a spare tube of black paint, and I put it to very good use. I definitely felt more at ease once the black paint made an appearance! (Thanks, team!)


That’s my clutch! (It sparkles more in real life!)

4. We mingled and laughed and played with paint. And then washed our hands…obviously. Here I am washing up (and pretending to be a hand model):


 great faucet, right?

3. We nibbled on delicious eats by the Food Dudes and talked about Delta’s collection.


5. In addition to the painting, the clutches, the food, the drinks, and the Skittles, we filled our Instagram and Twitter feeds with photos of lovely flowers from Blush and Bloom.


It was a very fun evening, and completely different from my day-to-day university life. Kudos to Tiffany and Delta for bringing out our creative sides (and for showing us how magical sparkles can be!).

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Do let me know if you make a #HappiMess over the next couple of days!

Photo credit: Koko Photography

Blogging: So, you want to be a blogger?

While blogging is not my full-time job, I am very committed to it, take it seriously (but not too seriously because that wouldn’t be so fun, right?), and approach my blog work as professionally as I can. I have learned so much from many bloggers I have met online and offline, and I really try to give back to the community when I can. I had the opportunity to give a presentation at BlogPodium 2013 (loved it!) and I hope to do so again in 2014. In the meantime, I had the pleasure of writing a guest post for the BlogPodium blog. It’s a great read (if I do say so myself) for people who are new to blogging or who are just about to start their blogging journeys. If you’re interested in reading my post, click here. Let me know if you have any questions!

Blogging: Tick Tock

Time has just flown by today…only getting around to blogging now! Working on my new work-life balance-routine I guess.



Rusch clock, $2.99

Oh – I have been forgetting to share the links to two posts that Giulia and I wrote for the BlogPodium blog: Getting Educated & Organizational Wonders to improve your blog’s function and style. There is a lot of great information on the blog so if you’re interested in learning more about blogging, I encourage you to go have a look. Happy reading!