Blogging: So, you want to be a blogger?

While blogging is not my full-time job, I am very committed to it, take it seriously (but not too seriously because that wouldn’t be so fun, right?), and approach my blog work as professionally as I can. I have learned so much from many bloggers I have met online and offline, and I really try to give back to the community when I can. I had the opportunity to give a presentation at BlogPodium 2013 (loved it!) and I hope to do so again in 2014. In the meantime, I had the pleasure of writing a guest post for the BlogPodium blog. It’s a great read (if I do say so myself) for people who are new to blogging or who are just about to start their blogging journeys. If you’re interested in reading my post, click here. Let me know if you have any questions!

Inspiring Words

My days (and nights for that matter) lately have been beyond busy. Writing papers, grading papers, blogging, exercise, hosting parties, and traveling has really made for some ridiculous non-stop eventful weeks. I don’t know about you but reading beautiful words like this help me get through some tough days.


Hope these words of wisdom inspire you too.

Via Sacramento Street.