White Out: Around the World

Our White Out series continues today with a look at what white goodness our readers have spotted from around the world.

In New York City, Jeff sculpted a family of simple white mushrooms.

sculptures and photo by Jeff G.

In London, Lindsay snapped a photo of The White Company store (I’ll take one of everything please!).

photo by Lindsay W.

In Toronto Sarah recently bought a couple of Le Creuset trivets that have such a pretty design. It looks like cast iron to me but this French Trivet is actually silicone.

Sarah M.’s new white Le Creuset trivet

And to round of today’s series, Daniela snapped a photo of this fountain sculpture during her visit of Nuit Blanche in Toronto earlier this fall. The sculpture, titled Viva La Dada, Baby!, is a tribute to Marcel Duchamp created by Jolie Fejer and Viliam Hrubovcak. It was part of the Dada Reboot! exhibit curated by Thom Sokoloski. Duchamp’s now-famous (in 1917 it was quite controversial) urinal, the Fountain is considered by some as one of the most important works of 20th century art.

toilet fountain installed for Toronto’s Nuit Blanche 2012; Distillery District; photo by Daniela D.

I continue to be impressed by all the white our readers are finding in their surroundings. Please continue to send your submissions for White Out to me at whitecabana [at] gmail [dot] com.

Celebration: Happy Birthday Dad!

Hi Dad. I know it’s early in the morning and you’re reading the blog. I posted this extra early just so that it would be here as soon as you logged on. Surprise!

cast iron French oven, Le Creuset

I know you’re going to enjoy putting your new Le Creuset to good use in your new kitchen!

Happy Birthday Dad!
