Fornasetti near you

by Johanne

It’s no secret that we love Urban Barn.

We’ve featured the Canadian company countless times here on White Cabana, probably because we think the products are fun and trendy and we’ve got experience with them ourselves as long-time customers.

Today we’re featuring these lovely Fornasetti paperweights currently available at UB. We all know that Jordana has a bit of a thing for Fornasetti– the Milanese artist has been featured here before to much swooning and acclaim.

For those of us who are on a budget and can’t afford (yet) a Fornasetti print, plate, sculpture, etc., these paperweights at Urban Barn feature iconic Fornasetti images and are a great entry-point into the style and beauty that defines the designer’s career. At $3 each for the small paperweights “Tea” and “Eye,” and $15 for the larger “Visage” piece, there’s no reason to skip these for yourself or as a gift for someone special.

Images courtesy of Urban Barn.

Love Letters

by Johanne

Since I’ve already shared with you how much fun you can have with a hearty hole punch, how about a heart-shaped font to use and print on your paper?

Lovedrops is a font made of hearts and it is available for free for personal use (like Valentines, love letters, or everyday correspondence- why not?):

Here is where you’ll find the Lovedrops font for download.

Thanks to How About Orange for featuring this font- we <3 it!

Image courtesy of FontSpace.

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