Technology: My New iPhone

Well – I had a very exciting weekend! Let me introduce you to my new toy…

I really don’t know what has taken me so long to get on the iPhone bandwagon. I have been a fan of Apple for quite some time and my MacBook, Apple TV, and iPod have served me well over the last several years. So you can understand how happy I am now that I have added a white iPhone to my collection.

So – I’m curious to know what apps other iPhone users are using. Right now I’m not so much interested in games and such as I am in useful apps. So far I’ve been putting Instagram (follow me at WhiteCabana), Remote, and Viber to good use. What else should I be using?

Photos by Jordana.

Paris: Apple Store

I’m currently testing out Apple gadgets at the Paris Apple store. Besides the cool products, the architecture of this building is white and fresh! Just took a photo using the MacBook Pro. Loving the classic Parisien iron work.

Paris Apple store - photo taken with the MacBook Pro

Image taken by Jordana at the Paris Apple store;