The Friday Five: Coffee Pots

I have been drinking more coffee than usual over the last few weeks. I go through phases of preferred coffee types. I normally rotate between CafĂ© du Monde drip coffee, espresso, and lattĂ©s. While I love French pressed coffee too, I don’t have a French press so I never make it. My local cafĂ© has pour over coffee which is kind of – sort of – like French press. I love the taste of pretty much every kind of coffee (and I’ve written about my interest in coffee here).


Toddy Cold Brew Coffee System


Chemix Coffee Maker


Black & Decker Coffee Maker


Cuisinart Compact Single Serve Coffee Maker


Bosch Tassimo

What about you? What’s you coffee of choice? Do you frequent the cafĂ©s or do you prefer your own make-at-home coffee?