The Friday Five: Outdoor Spaces

As we head into a hot, hot, hot weekend it seems only fitting that today’s Friday Five includes a selection of dreamy outdoor spaces. (And if you end up booking a trip to Greece after scrolling through this post, then, well, I completely understand!)

Grace Hotel Santorini

Grace Hotel Mykonos

Semeli Hotel Mykonos

Cavo Tagoo Mykonos

Cavo Tagoo Mykonos

Since I can’t make it to Greece this weekend, I’ll be spending as much time as possible at the amazing outdoor pool in my neighbourhood. How do you plan on staying cool this weekend?

Travel: Greece

My friend JZ recently sent over some pictures from his summer trip to Greece (more specifically, the Ionian Islands). I’m always envious of people who get to experience all the white scenery in Greece. I will make it there one day, that’s forsure, but for now, I’m happy to stare at these gorgeous photos…and dream.

photos by JZ

Many thanks to JZ for sharing these photos.